Welcome Sellers

SwissTex has been coordinating the trade of used items between hundreds of Suppliers and Customers all over the world for over 10 years.

Fast Delivery

We have fast shipping across the state
Vector 35

Return Package

You can return the package within a week
Vector 35

Secure Payment

We have a secure payment method and have 100% guarantee on it
Vector 35

Ansprache unserer Verkäufer

Swiss-Tex has worked with non-profit and for-profit communities to develop solutions for the pre-owned market. From used clothing and homeware to store returns and unique “one-off” products, we build relationships with organizations across Europe. We help them maximize their sales by associating their products with customers who can use them.

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SwissTex Obligation Towards its Sellers
We make an important commitment to our sellers:
  • To provide you with global market insights so that together we can confirm packaging, load weights and set prices that best position your product for sale and create higher demand.

  • To communicate regularly and timely and in the medium of your choice. Während jeder Transaktion; vor, während und nach dem Transport von Lasten aus Ihrer Einrichtung. Wir werden mit Ihnen zusammenarbeiten, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie genau wissen, was passiert. Darüber hinaus kann unser Logistikteam den effizienten Transport Ihrer gebrauchten Waren in ganz Nordamerika und auf der ganzen Welt organisieren.
  • Pay on time! Regardless of our usual credit terms, we know that sales are critical to our sellers. Viele von ihnen führen wichtige lokale Gemeinschaftsprogramme durch.


What we pay attention to Salesperson
With every connection, we are committed to being honest and trustworthy. We want the same qualities in the sellers we deal with. We can work together to build a business that will result in long-term revenue for your business. Our most successful sellers demonstrate flexibility and an openness to adapt to an ever-changing marketplace, as well as a willingness to understand end-user requirements, and we enjoy working with them.

Products We Buy

The things we acquire and produce with our sellers are very different. Please visit our product pages for a comprehensive list and information on packaging requirements.

How Can We Help

We are continuously seeking for new Vendors with whom to collaborate. We would be delighted to discuss how we can assist you in growing your business. We eagerly await your response.

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Do you buy and sell Used Goods?