Willkommen Customers
SwissTex has been coordinating the trade in used items between hundreds of suppliers and customers around the world for over 10 years.

Fast Delivery

We have fast shipping across the state
Vector 35

Return Package

You can return the package within a week

Vector 35

Secure Payment

We have a secure payment method and have 100% guarantee on it

Vector 35
for customers

Why Choose Us?

As a trustworthy broker in the used clothing sector, we support customers on both sides of the transaction. We work with suppliers and retailers around the world to give discarded items a second chance. We can assist at every stage of the transaction to ensure a smooth transaction for both parties.

Broker for used Clothing
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Swiss-Tex GmbH is a used goods broker with many years of experience and market leadership. We buy used clothing wholesale. This includes clothing for all ages and genders, even seasonal clothing. We take the time to sort the clothes before we bale them to ensure we only bring you the best products. We remove stained, damaged or unsellable clothing and sort them into other clothing categories. We purchase clothing in bulk for various uses such as: B. ID card clothing, mixed rags and vintage clothing.

We have worked with nonprofit and for-profit communities to create solutions for the used market. From used clothing and home goods to store returns and unique “one-off” products, we build relationships with organizations across Switzerland and the rest of Europe. Our responsibility to our sellers is to help you sell more goods; Maximize profits so we can help those damaged by wars and earthquakes.

Our Process
Our service process is very safe and interested

Liquidation of Excess Inventory

Swiss-tex GmbH specializes in remaining stock, liquidation, overstock and overstock from large department stores and manufacturers in Europe. We check all stocks, pack and deliver only the highest quality goods. Swiss-Tex GmbH redefines liquidation. Our pallets are unique, only created and offered by us. We believe you should receive top quality every time, our loads are like no other, we will exceed your expectations

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Years of Experience
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Served Countries
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Items Sold per year
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SwissTex commitment to its Customers

We make an important commitment to all our customers: Provide global market insights so together we understand how market shifts affect supply, demand and prices. Finden und sichern Sie sich Ihr Wunschprodukt aus den Regionen, von denen Sie wissen, dass sie die beste Qualität für Sie produzieren. Communicate regularly and promptly and in the medium of your choice. During every transaction, and before and after loads are shipped to your facility, we work with you every step of the way, making sure you know exactly what's happening with the product you're purchasing. Our logistics team can orchestrate the efficient transportation of the product you have purchased throughout North America and around the world.

  • Provide global market intelligence so we can all understand how market changes affect supply, demand and prices.
  • Discover and get what you want from the places that you know make the best quality products.
  • Communicate frequently and in a timely manner through your preferred channel. We will work with you at every step of the transaction, both before and after the shipments are delivered to your facility, to ensure you are fully informed of what is happening with the goods you have purchased. Our logistics staff can plan the effective transportation of the product you have purchased throughout North America and around the world
Do you buy and sell Used Goods?


Swiss-tex is a leading provider of logistics assistance and supply chain services, helping businesses across industries optimize their operations and improve their bottom line. Their experienced team of professionals is dedicated to delivering customized solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.

Swiss-tex’s logistics assistance services cover a wide range of activities, including sourcing and procurement, inventory management, transportation and distribution, and customs clearance. They work closely with their clients to develop a comprehensive logistics strategy that aligns with their business objectives and budget.

One of the key benefits of working with Swiss-tex is their expertise in supply chain management. They have extensive experience in designing, implementing, and optimizing supply chain solutions for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. Their supply chain services include demand planning, network design, vendor management, and performance measurement.

At Swiss-tex, they understand the importance of timely and accurate information in logistics and supply chain management. That’s why they have invested heavily in state-of-the-art technology to provide real-time visibility into their clients› operations. Their web-based platform enables clients to track their shipments, manage their inventory, and monitor their supply chain performance from anywhere in the world.