Unser Dienstleistungen

Schnelle Lieferung

Wir haben eine schnelle Lieferung im ganzen Bundesstaat
Vector 35


Sie können das Paket innerhalb einer Woche zurücksenden

Vector 35

Sichere Bezahlung

Wir haben eine sichere Zahlungsmethode und haben 100% Garantie darauf

Vector 35
Logistik Hilfe
Wir stellen die Bedürfnisse Ihres Unternehmens in den Vordergrund und bleiben während des gesamten Prozesses anpassungsfähig und unterstützend. Unser Team unterstützt Sie während des gesamten Logistikprozesses. Wir bieten Logistikdienstleistungen als Teil unserer Verpflichtung an, Kunden und Verkäufern ein komplettes Dienstleistungspaket anzubieten. Unser Team aus erfahrenen Logistikkoordinatoren kann Ihnen dabei helfen, alle LKW- und Containerdienste einzurichten, die für den Transport Ihrer Ladungen erforderlich sind.
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Verkaufte Artikel pro Jahr
WhatsApp Image 2023-04-06 at 5.44.04 AM
Lieferkette Service
Mit fast 15 Jahren im Geschäft mit gebrauchter Kleidung hat Swiss-Tex ein Netzwerk von Lieferanten aufgebaut, das unseren Kunden Zugang zu gebrauchter Kleidung von höchster Qualität an verschiedenen Standorten ermöglicht. Anstatt zahlreiche Lieferanten anzurufen, um zu versuchen, das zu finden, was Sie brauchen, rufen Sie Garson & Schau. Wir helfen Ihnen, das richtige Produkt für Ihr Unternehmen zu finden.
Tust du kaufen und verkaufen gebrauchte Ware?


Swiss-tex is a leading provider of logistics assistance and supply chain services, helping businesses across industries optimize their operations and improve their bottom line. Their experienced team of professionals is dedicated to delivering customized solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.

Swiss-tex’s logistics assistance services cover a wide range of activities, including sourcing and procurement, inventory management, transportation and distribution, and customs clearance. They work closely with their clients to develop a comprehensive logistics strategy that aligns with their business objectives and budget.

One of the key benefits of working with Swiss-tex is their expertise in supply chain management. They have extensive experience in designing, implementing, and optimizing supply chain solutions for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. Their supply chain services include demand planning, network design, vendor management, and performance measurement.

At Swiss-tex, they understand the importance of timely and accurate information in logistics and supply chain management. That’s why they have invested heavily in state-of-the-art technology to provide real-time visibility into their clients› operations. Their web-based platform enables clients to track their shipments, manage their inventory, and monitor their supply chain performance from anywhere in the world.

In addition to their logistics and supply chain services, Swiss-tex also offers a range of value-added services, including warehousing, packaging, and labeling. Their team of experts can help clients optimize their warehousing operations to minimize costs and improve efficiency. They can also provide customized packaging and labeling solutions to ensure that products are delivered in perfect condition and with the right branding.

Overall, Swiss-tex is a trusted partner for businesses looking to streamline their logistics and supply chain operations. With their expertise, technology, and commitment to customer satisfaction, they can help clients achieve their business goals and stay competitive in today’s fast-paced global marketplace.